Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Don't forget the Fandom4NKH!!

Only a few more days to donate to this worthy cause and be able to receive the compilation of works by many talented writers!! I even have my LDTW outtake, Jacob's Downfall included. 

Please see within your hearts to donate. As a mom, I cannot fathom the thought of a child going to bed hungry at night. It's unacceptable.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Pretty eye candy for TWC

I have no graphic talent...but I'm glad I found someone that does. Mel has been willing to work on anything I've asked of her. TWC is tough. Kristen is so beautiful and young, it was a challenge to make her appear 35. I couldn't find pics of Edward as a vampire doc either. I asked Mel and TADA!! Thanks, my friend. Great work as always!!

Monday, May 28, 2012

TWC has updated!! Twice in three days!

Don't get used to it. Lol. The holiday weekend allowed for an extra day of writing. Thanks a million to Kare and darcysmom for talking the time out of their Memorial Day to edit this chapter. Everyone was out and about so it's really amazing that we got this posted tonight. 

Reading Rec...TwoTwiMoms wrote an incredible fic, What Fills the Eye Fills the Heart, and the final regular chapter posted this weekend. If you haven't read this, I urge you to go now and do it!! Irishward makes me a slobbering mess, in a good way. ;) 

Anyhow, Happy Memorial Day to all who celebrate. See you on the flip side.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Chapter 4 of TWC is with my awesome beta team!

Worked extra time this weekend to get another chapter of TWC out, so I'm back on schedule. :) The girls will get to it when they can and I will post soon. Thanks for all the read and reviews. They make me smile! 

Welcome to all the new TWC, LDTW and Amore readers!! Glad to have you on board.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Update! Update! Update of TWC!

No, you aren't seeing things. Two Worlds Collide has finally updated!! 

It seems everything that could got in the way this time, but things are looking up and should be back on schedule now. My beta team just posted their final chapter of Irishward. They've been extremely busy and I thank them for taking the time to edit for me but a note to the readers, all screw ups and grammatical errors belong to me alone. They tried. I've got a new laptop and can't use my Microsoft Word, I'm apologizing now. 

I've reread and reread till my eyes crossed and still had to edit twice at the Fan Fiction site. Hopefully by the next update I'll have my new word processor figured out. 

Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoy. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Finally!! Progress on TWC!

My writing muses and mojo finally came back to me and I've made significant progress on chapter 3. I had to make the meeting between Edward and Bella perfect and the feel was just 

I've found what feels and reads how I like it. Hopefully you will too. 

I will have it up for your reading pleasure by the weekend. Thanks again for your patience.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Fingers Crossed!

As most of you know, I've logged about 2000 miles on my butt this week driving all over the state of Kentucky, with my FIL having open heart surgery and for my continuing education. I've been working from the crack of dawn and then sitting at the hospital with FIL till ten at night, then driving an hour back home just to collapse in bed. 

It's been a long and draining week. I'm glad to say he came home yesterday and is doing as well as can be expected. I'm sitting with him today to give my MIL and SIL a break and I'm taking my laptop with me. I hope to get chapter three of TWC typed and sent to my girls by tonight. 

No promises though. I WILL get back on track with my posting, but I'm asking for your patience until things get back to some sort of normal in my life. I know you guys are the best readers in the Fandom, so I'm pretty confident that you'll be understanding of my situation. 

Thanks for all the well-wishes for my FIL, and as always for reading my work. Love you all.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

My Laptop is Fixed!!

$224.00 later and a Windows 7 upload and my laptop is back in operation. :) 

I lost, drafts of LDTW, email addresses, and my Word CD isn't compatible, but I can rebuild. 

Now, maybe writing won't be such a production. Onward to work and maybe some TWC tonight.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Two Worlds Collide-Rec by Fandom Fanatic

I was rec'd on Fandom Fanatic. 

You can read it - HERE

Thank you for the kind words and support! It means so much to a newbie writer.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day and Happy 26th birthday, Rob!

Hope all the mom's out there had a great day. I was blessed to spend my day with both kids, my mom, my mother-in-law, and the rest of my immediate family. Had a nice Thai lunch from the kids and then hubs had a fish fry for us tonight. I'm stuffed.
Also, happy 26th birthday to Rob. Hope you had a paparazzi free, relaxing day.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

TWC Rec by Fandom Fanatic

The amazing @credoroza/Fandom Fanatic has put TWC out there for so many to get the chance to learn about and read. It shocks, thrills and amazes me to see such interest in my writing. I can't link the write up to my blog, but I can give you the link if you'd like to check it out. Thanks so very much for the support and the awesome write up.

TWC update!

Happy Mother's Day weekend!! Hope that all the mothers, grandmothers, step-mothers, foster mothers and others acting in a child's life as a mom, have a great weekend! I'd you're lucky enough to be able to speak to your mom, be sure to tell her that you love her. Life is short and can change in a heartbeat.
Chapter two of Two Worlds Collide is live for your reading pleasure. Read, review and rec, if you like the story. Thanks to darcysmom, twimom817 and kare831 for whipping this chapter into shape. Flove you guys.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Teaser pics for chapter 2 of Two Worlds Collide

Happy Friday! I have chapter 2 sent to my girls for editing. I'm hoping to post later today or at the latest Saturday. With this being Mother's Day weekend in the US, and my FIL is having 4-bypass open heart surgery on Monday, I may have too much RL going on to post another chapter over the weekend. We'll see. I'd really like to post chapter 3 on Sunday. But, until then, here are a few visual teasers for chapter 2 and I promise chapter 2 will be up by Saturday morning. Thanks for reading and reviewing! I've been shocked and so happy at the response to TWC so far. Hope you enjoy the ride.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

TWC is live on Fanfiction!
One obstacle after another today almost prevented me from getting this chapter out to you, but I had faith and TWC has finally gone live! I'd love to hear your reviews. Thanks a million!

Teaser pics for TWC

Going live tonight! Are you ready?

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Two Worlds Collide

Excited and nervous to begin writing TWC today. This story came about in some random Twitter conversation with one of my betas. She thought it was a good plot and thought I'd be good at writing it. So, here I am. Hope it comes out on paper as good as it plays out in my head. Plan to post on the weekends, just like with LDTW. Thx to vbfb19 for another kick-ass banner; and to my girls, kare831, twimom817 and darcysmom for jumping on board to pre-read and beta again.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Amore is live!!

High school senior and resident bad boy Edward Cullen has a less than desirable reputation when it comes to life and the opposite sex. He parties hard and only cares about his own personal pleasure. But all isn't as it seems. Edward has a secret and it effects him on a daily basis and he goes to great lengths to keep this secret under wraps. When Isabella Swan moves to Forks, she's thrown into Edward's path and discovers his secret by accident. Things are different with her and it scares him. How will Edward react when the brunette beauty doesn't bend to his wishes?