Thursday, December 12, 2013

And now my Alice

I had a very difficult time finding an Alice that suited me. I mean, Ashley Greene is a knockout, and since this Alice is a younger version of "me" who is most certainly not a model but was a tiny, fresh-faced teenager, I wanted and needed her to be simple and natural. Ok? 

Back to writing. I should have this publishable before Christmas. 

:-) Love y'all! Teresa

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Jasper in my new, short fic

Hello (hi Sally, lol) all. I'm halfway done writing my new short fic, Bad Boys, Marlboro Reds, and Bud Light. 

Working on my visuals, and found this adorable picture of Jackson. 

He's the one!!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Update on my writing

Hey everyone. I'm here to grovel and ask for patience. Again. I know and am embarrassed that Two Worlds Collide isn't updating as often as we'd all like. The story is complex, and a tangled web of what might be real, and possible fiction within the fictional story. It's the hardest plot I've ever attempted. I should have made a written outline for each chapter before hand. I didn't with LDTW or Amore, but I had them in my head from start to end the entire time I wrote them. 

Now, I know the ending of TWC, but my mind isn't allowing be to be creative on the journey from where it is now. Does that make sense? Its frustration at its highest form. Ticks me off, and makes me depressed that I'm not able to do what I set out to have complete in about six months.

Anyhow, there is this crazy little one shot that has taken over my brain, and for the next week or so, I'm going to focus on it. My hubby has actually helped with the outline (yes, it's a written one) and some of the events in the story. As of tonight, I'm 4,000 words into the Alice/Jasper story of how my husband of almost 25 years met back in September1987,and the craziness that occurred between when we met and when we actually started dating in February 1988. No one may ever read it, but I'm at a loss as to how to jump start my writing again. 

Hope you all understand. Heck, I don't even know if anyone really reads my blog anyway, but this makes me feel better to at least get this 'out there'. The title of my new fic is Bad Boys, Marlboro Reds, and Bud Light. 

Look forward to posting it soon. T

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Hope each of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, and if you aren't from the US, I hope your weekend was fabulous! I've eaten until I'm miserable, but I am blessed beyond belief. Today I hosted and cooked my FIRST full Thanksgiving meal for my little family, along with my mom, sister and brother. Mother-in-law cooked for hubby's side of family on Thursday. I say first at age 42 because my mother has always cooked this meal, but at 75 she just wasn't able to this year. I gladly took her apron and accepted the challange. Also went to a moving church service where the congregation hung personal wreaths on the walls in memory of loved ones passed. I hung a wreath in memory of my paternal and maternal grandparents, and my children, Nicole and Ben, hung one in memory of my dad who passed in 2008. Touching and beautiful service.

Lastly, I had planned on posting an update to Two Worlds Collide this weekend, as well as begin my new fic for the AJD compilation. Neither came to fruition with two family dinners, beta/prereader also celebrating the holidays, some shopping, deep house cleaning and cooking a turkey, homemade dressing, deviled eggs, yeast rolls, and smoked sausage. Tonight I'm in a tryptophan coma. 

Anyhow, I hope to get back on some sort of schedule of posting every two weeks. My arm is better, but may never be 100% again, so I'm going to have to just continue to work through the pain. 

Off to read a bit before bed. Peace out, and see you soon. 


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Good November morning!

Woke up to a cold 20F morning and a brisk 64F in my house. Time to turn on the heat! Brrr!

Ok, to my reason for posting, and I know everyone gets tired of hearing it, but I've had a few complications again which have effected my writing schedule. First off, I have tendonitis in my right arm. Typing more than a few sentences is a pain, literally. It is getting better. Secondly, I contracted a kick-butt cold that had me in bed all weekend. Seriously...I barely ate or showered. That, I'm glad to say, is getting better too. Low immunity means slow recovery time for T. Soooo, my plan for updating TWC last weekend didn't come to fruition. Hopefully this weekend will be kinder. That's the plan!! 

Hope everyone is having a great week, and I hope to talk to you again soon via review reply! ;-) 

Until then. Peace and love, Teresa

Monday, October 21, 2013

If you aren't reading sunflowersongs, why aren't you?

The past week or so, I've been lost in the fiction world every night. Someone recommended sunflowersongs to me, and I am so glad. I'm reading my third story of hers in the past week. This one is about a super-smooth talking Cowboyward, and a heartbroken emo-ish Bella in Under Heaven's Skies. He makes me swoony. Gah!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

A couple of story rec's for you all to enjoy.

Happy Sunday everyone! So far my day has consisted of cooking a huge breakfast for Layton and Ben, cleaning up afterwards, unloading and reloading the dishwasher, folding seven loads of laundry from yesterday, and cleaning my bathroom. It's only 1pm. Lol. Yes, I have a few more things to do in case Nicole and her boyfriend, Charlie come over to eat chili tonight, but I'm taking a bit of ME time this afternoon. That means reading, and maybe some writing tonight. I finished The Distance In Between by sunflowersongs (sleepydove90 on Twitter) yesterday afternoon, and began Jar of Hearts by her last night. Wow! TDiB is a Civil War era fic, with plenty of drama and angst, and it's wonderful reading. JoH is based on two slightly geeky, virginal, and unknowingly beautiful people in their mid-twenties, and their journey to find love in the modern world. So sweet. Almost zero drama or angst thus far, and I'm almost halfway through. Sunflowersongs has a melodious way with words that simply draws you into whatever world she's painting for thr reader. To top it off, she's a lovely lady, who I've had the pleasure of getting to know the past few weeks. She has more stories that I'll certainly be checking out in the future.
See you all soon. T

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Just a small picture of what a psoriasis flare looks like

Yeah, it's not attractive, at all, but it's what I live with on a daily basis. Both legs and feet are essentially covered in plaques, as is the rest of my body. My back hurts so bad right now that I can hardly sleep. Current flare is almost unbearable. I cannot describe the way my skin burns, aches and itches. Pain meds, Benedryl and Xanax can only do so much of you still have to lead a somewhat normal, functional life. So, I'm giving you this little glimpse into my RL. In living color.

My writing is very important to me, but so is my quest to educate the masses about this horrible disease.

Laters, T

Saturday, October 12, 2013

For all my faithful readers...

The latest update for Two Worlds Collide has been types, and zapped via cyberspace to darcysmom and Kare831 for extensive sparkly red pen editing. 

I'm sure it needs a lot of TLC, since I'm a bit rusty. I feel like I'm in need of a priest and a confessional chamber. (Sorry, I'm Southern Baptist,not Catholic) 

It's been since the end of July since the last update. **hangs head in shame** Maybe I've chased the inner demons away... You know, the ones... The ones that had almost convinced me to throw in the towel and quit writing. 

Although I've had lots of encouraging words from many of you, it took one, sweet and enthusiastic reviewer this week begging for an update (with multiple PMs) to make me want to sit all day today and write and delete, write and delete (I think you get the picture) until I had a finished product that I actually liked! 

Hopefully it will be good reading, and hopefully a few of my readers are still around to enjoy it. Lol. 

Anyways, just wanted you all to know I'm still alive. Mwah!!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Can't belive my fic was chosen from this week's prompt!

Hey guys. As you all know, I've been having a lot of trouble getting my head back into writing TWC. It's painful to want to do somethingnh so badly, and every time I try, it's a failed attempt. 

So, I thought I'd try for something small and see if I could still write a story. Madi has a great little contest going where we get a visual prompt and write a Flash Fic from it. Flash Fic are 100-300 word stories. I'm so wordy, I wasn't sure if I could write anything meaningful and almost backed out of this week's entry. 

I'm so glad I didn't. I WON!! 

This was a much needed ego boost for me. I cab still write!! So, I wanted to share with all of you. 

Here is the blogspot:

Monday, September 23, 2013

Another angsty fic rec Take Me Home by LovinRob. It's not fluffy, and deals with sexual addiction and physical abuse (Bella). I'm enjoying the different twist on Edward and Bella's story.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Not Without You- Fic Rec

Yeah, I know. I should be writing instead of reading. Right now I'm in a HORRIBLE PSORIASIS FLARE. I'm bitchy, itchy, achy, having nerve pain in my neck and back and I'm swelling like a balloon after a double dose of steroids Saturday. Trying to stop one of my flares is like trying to lasso the moon after drinking a fifth of whiskey in a 103 degree hot tub. Don't try it, kiddos. Trust me. Idk how you guys feel about managed heath care, but I need it. Badly. Have not had health care coverage since I chose to leave my hospital management job in 2010 to go back to school to work from home in my husband's real estate appraisal business. I do quality for partial disability, but that process takes years and lawyers. So, for now I'm paying for meds and treatment out of pocket. Insuring me is expensive. Like over $1000 a month for just me. Wow! When did this fic rec turn into a pity Teresa session? Sorry. Have to vent. Anyhow, I shared The Path We Chose the other day. Finished it. Loved it. And this is the sequel fic. It's not angsty, or shall I say it's not what I call angsty. It's honest, sad, happy, funny and quite a journey. If you want a nice, lighter read, check BelieveItOrNot and these two stories. You need to read The Path We Chose first or you won't understand the sequel. Fair enough?  Here is the link to Not Without You.

In other news... This weekend is my baby girl, Nicole's 24th birthday. Grilling out on the new patio with our family AND we are meeting the semi-new serious boyfriend, Charlie (how cute it that!) for the first time. They've been dating since May, but she said she wouldn't bring him around until they knew they were a long term thing. I can tell when she speaks of him that he's probably the closest thing so far to "The One". I say too young, but I married at 17 so what do I know? Because we married young, her Dad is a lot overprotective of her, so pray that it all goes smoothly, will you? Ben (our 21 to son) and his girlfriend of over a year, Emily (what is it with my kids dating Twilight-named people?? They fussed at my Mom and Dad dogs being Jake and Leah.
Oh well. I love you guys. Thanks for all the kind words about my lack of writing ability right now. I feel extremely lucky to have such forgiving readers. Sally, you are a beautiful and special friend, and I am so glad we got to meet in Chicago. For the rest of you, add me on Twitter @lakermom37 or Facebook, Teresa Edwards MyObsession Ffn. I'd love to chat. Well, it's midnight, on a work night and I think my nerve and pain meds are finally going to kick in so I can sleep. I'll talk to you all soon.

Monday, September 2, 2013

One last thing.

I suck. There, I said it. I'm having a hard time writing anything I think is remotely good enough to post. I feel like I'm letting everyone down, and that I'm a failure. I WANT to write, and it's not happening like it used to. I'm not abandoning Two Worlds Collide. I'm making you all that promise. I may just go on hiatus, write as I can and get ahead or completely finished before I post again. I've skipped ahead and written what is near the end, and am going to try and work backwards to meet in the middle. Where I have left you all hanging. Please be patient with me. That's all I ask. T

What I'm reading over Labor Day The Path We Choose. Lovely high school story of love and life. By BelieveItOrNot. Check it out.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Another fic req! is the sequel to Caged Skylark. CS is heavy, angsty and realistic. It's not a fluffy, happy reqd, but deals with so many RL issues: death, depression, love, fear, failure to communicate, and so many other things which effect couples in the real world. I urge you to put on your big girl panties and read Caged Skylark (I linked you in the previous post) and then Chasing Sparrows. Very talented writer and writing. Check it out.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Caged Skylark This amazing fic was reqd to me by darcysmom, one of my amazing betas. Well, she recommended the author, and I picked the story. Anyhow, it's good. Rockward is hot and brooding and everything we ladies lust over. I'm only seven chapters in, but I'm really enjoying the plotline. Check it out. A story like this needs many more reviews that it has now. T

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Sorry for the posting delays for TWC

Hey all. Sorry, it's been awhile agian. I don't foresee this being a long time again, but just to let you know what's keeping me busy. I've has three close relative deaths in my family in the past three weeks. Out of town funerals take all the mojo and tosses it out the window. I promise my next update is in progress. Hopefully will he ready within the next few weeks. To tie you over, I have another fic rec. RM W  A VU. It's not too heavy but not all fluffy. Check it out, and hope to see you next with an update of TWC.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Fic rec!!

I've been so entranced by this story. So funny and true to real life. Many have probably already read it, but it's well worth some extra pimping. It's The Real Life of EA Masen. Please check it out and leave her some love. Thanks!!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Beautiful story of a Mother's unconditional love

This fic needs more following. Ohgeefantasy has no Beta, but that does not lessen the message in her fic. Please help me get this out to the Fandom.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Update on me and well, future updates

Hi again. Remember me? Well, anyhow, it's been awhile since I've blogged so I thought I'd update everyone on things.
First off, I had a blast at TFMU in Chicago a few weeks ago. I met so many cool, like-minded people, met @abstractway and ordered a signed copy of Animate Me (came to my PO Box today), got a foot and cab (scary!!) tour of Navy Pier, where Hugh Heffner used to live, lots of cool downtown landmarks, did some shopping with @twimom817 and @Kare831(so friggin awesome to finally lay eyes on those two dolls), and even drove past Northwestern Medical Center (where my latest Docvampward works and met his Bella in the ER). Flying to O'Hare was a first for me, and thanks to my shuttle van driver being high on something pretty wicked, I got dropped off about a mile from my outgoing terminal. So, I got an end to end tour of O'Hare too. Oh, and an hour and a half flight delay, a faulty plane and thunderstorms all the way back to Ky. BUT it was all an amazing and memorable experience that I'm thankful to have gotten the opportunity to do.
Now, about Two Worlds Collide. I've got about 3/4 of my next update typed. I've deleted and rewritten it at least ten times. Still not satisfied with it, but nonetheless, if all goes well and the creeks don't rise (southern joke, forgive me) I plan on sending the rough draft to my girls this weekend. I don't know their schedules so I don't know when it'll post, but I will say within the week. I'm so sorry again for the long ass delays. It's mostly due to summer activities with hubs (we've been married with kids for 23 years, so we are finally getting to spread our wings and do things without worrying where the kids are), work is kicking my ass thoroughly, and then my perfectionism is making me suddenly second guess every word I write.
So, I'm trying to get back on track. Hopefully I'll get back to weekly or biweekly posting soon. Thanks for all your support and patience. Love y'all. T

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

TFMU is two days away!!

I'm so excited to get to attend the Chicago TFMU this weekend. Flight is booked and the lovely Ms.Kathy is sharing her digs with me. I can't wait to meet many of my favorite writers, some of my readers, and most of all, FINALLY meet @Kare831 and @twimom817. They went out on a limb to attach their names as beta's to LDTW, when I had no clue what I was doing. They have no idea what their friendship means to me and I cannot wait to give them the biggest hugs. I'm sad that @darcysmom isn't going to be able to make the trip to Chicago, but I know in my heart that one day our paths will cross and epic level tackle hugs and smooches will be given freely and often. I'm also hoping that leaving my home for a few days with like-minded Twi fans will be the boost I need to get my writing back on track. You readers deserve more than bi-monthly updates. So, I'll post again from the Windy City. Yes, I'll take lots of pictures. <3<3<3 Teresa

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Loving this story. @cutestkidsmom Check it out for drama, angst, lemony goodness and romance!!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

RL is crazy again...

Hey guys. So, I know you're getting tired of hearing this, but RL has thrown me another full pitch count of curve balls. I'm not sleeping well, again, plus I'm battling my psoriasis, anxiety and depression, again. Add seven new puppies and a full time job (even though I work for myself from home) and I have no time or energy to write. Again. I swore I'd not be one of "those" writers who posts every few months, but alas that's what it's come down to. I wish "sorry" was enough, but it's not. I have my next update 3/4 done... Maybe this weekend I can get in the right mindset to finish it and post. I refuse to quit the story. I'm not wired to quit. So, hope to see ya on FFn soon. Love you all.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Happy Memorial Day weekend!!

Just a shout out to my readers who celebrate Memorial Day. Enjoy the first weekend of Summer 2013. Working on a TWC update for you. Hope to post this weekend, or the first of next week.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

I've signed up as a contributing author

Fandom Against Juvenile Diabetes

Well, I've signed up again this year for this great cause, in honor of my Dad who passed away in March 2008 from diabetic complications. Here's what I need from you guys. First, please donate. If not for me and my story, do it for another author you enjoy. Second, any preferences on what you'd like to see me write? An outake from LDTW or TWC? A new, original o/s, like Amore? I'd love your input!!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

So proud of my daughter, Nicole!

Graduated from Murray State University with her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree earlier today. I'm elated, proud and worn out!! Lol.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Yay! This cause is important to me!!

Fandom Against Juvenile Diabetes: Sign ups, fandoms, and due dates...Oh my!

I lost my Dad in 2008 to complications from years of not taking care of himself after being diagnosed with adult-onset type 2 diabetes. My daughter is hypoglycemic, and she manages it well with her diet. I was told I was pre-diabetic when I was in my mid-thirties and when I weighed nearly 250#. Lap banding, eating better, and 100# weight loss has kept my numbers in check, but with predisposed familial markers, I will always have to keep a close eye on my blood sugar.
I will be writing for this compilation, although I'm not sure what I will write just yet. Maybe the LDTW epilogue that I promised a long time ago. Maybe a o/s that's fresh and new.
Anyhow, keep your eyes open and help me promote this excellent cause for Lia Jane.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

And Deb...gah I love her. Her new WIP is great. Get in on alert. ASAP!!

Fanfic: Hard to Love, Twilight | FanFiction

Current fic to have my undivided attention

Fanfic: A Rough Start Ch 1, Twilight | FanFiction
Edward becomes a father to a five year old son overnight; a son with recently deceased ex, Jessica that he had no idea existed. Bella is the new kindergarten teacher at Forks Elementary school. Sparks fly when their platonic parent/student/teacher relationship begins and changes into more. (That's my summary, not the author's). I'm about halfway through. Check it out!!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

TWC chapter 21 off to be edited!

I feel like I've excersized a few demons, and maybe all my funk is behind me. Chapter 21 is complete and is in the inboxes of my sweet prereaders and betas. I'm hoping to post by Tuesday night. Thank you all for the kind words of encouragement and support these past several months. Things are better. Hopefully for the long haul.  :-) Teresa

A little taste...

Been awhile since I've written any lemons. I'll let my girls decide if it's too much. Maybe not. I'm having a hell of a time writing it. :-)

Chapter 21 Two Worlds Collide pic tease

I'm writing!! Here's a little eye candy to whet your appetite. All props to the photographer.  Enjoy!!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Yes, another fic rec. I'm planning in sharing all the ones I read and love. This one I'm only beginning, but the premise is different and I like it.

Fanfic: BIG RIG Ch 1, Twilight | FanFiction

Last blog for today. This is my "longer than a one-shot" fic I wrote for the AJD compilation last spring. Enjoy.

Fanfic: L'amore Cambia Tutto Ch 1, Twilight | FanFiction

Hello again. This is my current WIP. I hope to be back in the writing saddle soon. Thanks for all the sweet words of encouragment while I battle this painful and irritating nerve inflammation. Much love to you all.

Fanfic: Two Worlds Collide Ch 1, Twilight | FanFiction

Some people have asked for links to my stories. I'm not much of a self-pimper, but here is my first fic, Letting Down the Walls. It was my baby. Enjoy!!

Fanfic: Letting Down the Walls Ch 1, Twilight | FanFiction

One more WIP rec, and I'm lucky enough to be a prereader for the lovely and talented Kare831. Check out her story. It's sad, sweet and realistic.

Fanfic: When You Least Expect It Ch 1, Twilight | FanFiction

Another good WIP. Hope it updates soon. Enjoy!

Fanfic: Rude Awakenings Ch 1, Twilight | FanFiction

Another winner from Sarge's Girls. Deb and Jen have raised the bar once again. Love you guys!!

Fanfic: In Pursuit Ch 2, Twilight | FanFiction

Saturday, March 30, 2013

TWC on hiatus indefinitely

Just posted an A/N on Fan Fiction, and it saddens me to do this. The pain is just too great to type right now. Hope to be back soon. Love you all and miss writing. Teresa

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Working slowly on TWC update

Good Tuesday morning. Just wanted to update on the progress with chapter 20. Uta coming along, albeit slowly. I have a pinched nerve in my neck (part of my psoriatic arthritis flares that effect mt C5,C6 and C7 cervical vertebra ) and the resulting nerve pain is keeping me awake at night and causing my left hand/fingers to be numb. 

So work is as I can, and no worries for those of you that stuck with me when I finally updated a few weeks ago. Loved and cherished each well wish and review. I'm saddened by the apparent loss in readers for various reasons. Some said my update just took took too long. Some just haven't replied or reviewed although I still several adds and faves for TWC each week. Reviews are still down. But I'm not in this for the spotlight, so I'll continue writing and finish as planned. Hope to have my work to my girls over the weekend. Today I'm celebrating my 24th wedding anniversary to my hs sweetheart. ;) 

Will update again very soon!!! Mwahs! T

Monday, March 4, 2013

Good luck to twilover sue!!

Reading A Forbidden Love by twilover sue, and I've just gotten a third of the way in to find it's being P2P. Thankfully its uploaded to my kindle. Wishing her lots of good luck in the publishing venue. It's a great read. T

A great read!

Fanfic: When You Least Expect It Ch 27, Twilight | FanFiction
This is a wonderful story that I have the honor of prereading and the author has been my beta, prereader and good friend since I began Letting Down the Walls in 2011. Kare831 has the suburb ability to weave a sweet tale with realistic plot and enduring characters. Of course, she and Twimom817 created one of my favorite Wards, Irishward (What Fills the Eye Fills the Heart) and its written under the pen name of twotwimoms. Another awesome read from two talented writers with many outtakes and spin off stories. Check these two fics out and I promise you won't be disappointed.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Two Worlds Collide has FINALLY UPDATED!! 

I am so relieved to finally be able to have some focus to write. I feel horrible that it took over two months but the time away was necessary. Too much RL issues that needed my full attention. Maybe things are looking up. Hope you enjoy the update. Any mistakes are mine alone. I wanted to post asap so I only had one other set of eyes available at the time ( thanks Kare!!) 

I love you all. Thanks for sticking out the tough times with me. T

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Writing TWC at a slow pace

Writing at a slow pace, but writing none the less. Hopefully I'll have something suitable to my girls to edit within the next week or so. Severe writers block is severe and, might I add, sucks royally. I appreciate the patience of my readers, and the endless encouragement from darcysmom and Kare831. Those ladies are Xanax to my soul. 

Love you guys.