Tuesday, June 25, 2013

TFMU is two days away!!

I'm so excited to get to attend the Chicago TFMU this weekend. Flight is booked and the lovely Ms.Kathy is sharing her digs with me. I can't wait to meet many of my favorite writers, some of my readers, and most of all, FINALLY meet @Kare831 and @twimom817. They went out on a limb to attach their names as beta's to LDTW, when I had no clue what I was doing. They have no idea what their friendship means to me and I cannot wait to give them the biggest hugs. I'm sad that @darcysmom isn't going to be able to make the trip to Chicago, but I know in my heart that one day our paths will cross and epic level tackle hugs and smooches will be given freely and often. I'm also hoping that leaving my home for a few days with like-minded Twi fans will be the boost I need to get my writing back on track. You readers deserve more than bi-monthly updates. So, I'll post again from the Windy City. Yes, I'll take lots of pictures. <3<3<3 Teresa

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Loving this story.

http://m.fanfiction.net/s/8745367/1/Salacious @cutestkidsmom Check it out for drama, angst, lemony goodness and romance!!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

RL is crazy again...

Hey guys. So, I know you're getting tired of hearing this, but RL has thrown me another full pitch count of curve balls. I'm not sleeping well, again, plus I'm battling my psoriasis, anxiety and depression, again. Add seven new puppies and a full time job (even though I work for myself from home) and I have no time or energy to write. Again. I swore I'd not be one of "those" writers who posts every few months, but alas that's what it's come down to. I wish "sorry" was enough, but it's not. I have my next update 3/4 done... Maybe this weekend I can get in the right mindset to finish it and post. I refuse to quit the story. I'm not wired to quit. So, hope to see ya on FFn soon. Love you all.