Monday, September 2, 2013

One last thing.

I suck. There, I said it. I'm having a hard time writing anything I think is remotely good enough to post. I feel like I'm letting everyone down, and that I'm a failure. I WANT to write, and it's not happening like it used to. I'm not abandoning Two Worlds Collide. I'm making you all that promise. I may just go on hiatus, write as I can and get ahead or completely finished before I post again. I've skipped ahead and written what is near the end, and am going to try and work backwards to meet in the middle. Where I have left you all hanging. Please be patient with me. That's all I ask. T


  1. Hey, Teresa. Take your time. Don't pressure yourself. Take the time you need. We can be patient. I'd rather you take your time and be happy with the results than rush it just because you think we need an update.


  2. Thank you as always, for your kind and thoughtful words. I'm trying to stay a step ahead of my depression and anxiety. Hope you are recovering well!! Love, t
