Monday, July 30, 2012

TWC update off to my girls!! And a LDTW surprise!

Good Monday morning, my friends! Hope you had a stellar weekend and that this Monday is a blessed one. Just letting you know that chapter 11 of TWC is off to be edited by the awesome darcysmom, kare831 and twimom817. It's a LONG chapter for me at almost 9k words in its rough draft.
I'll post as soon as the ladies have time to edit and me make the needed corrections. SOON is all I can promise, and I'd love to see the review counts rise, so if you're reading, please take just a sec to let me know what you think. Please??

In unrelated news, I've posted my outtake of chapter 34 of LDTW entitled Jacob's Downfall. I know I marked LDTW complete, but I went ahead and added it as the last chapter so no one that was a fan of the story would miss it. I don't plan on writing anything more in LDTW, but you never know. If a worthy cause catches my eye, I might be convinced to write that epilogue. :D Lastly, I want to thank all my readers that made LDTW surpass my goal of 1000+ reviews. Wow!! I never dreamed it would happen with such a story, and I owe it all to you guys for pimping, favoriting and reviewing like clockwork.

Friday, July 27, 2012

TWC update and a new project in the works

Hello and happy Friday! Just a quick post to let you all know that chapter 11 of TWC is in the works, and I hope to complete it over the weekend. Thank for your patience as I attempt to get this train back on a weekly schedule. On a brighter note, I'm proud to announce that I'm collaborating for the first time ever with the talented kare831 on an entry in the Taste of the Forbidden contest. We're stretching our boundaries a bit, okay more than a bit, but I have to say, the story so far is HOT and coming along nicely..since its an anonymous contest I can't divulge anything else. :) you will just have to read the entries and try to figure it out. Lol.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Shocker!! TWC update is complete!!

It's in my A/N but so sorry for the long time between updates. Summer is harder for me to commit to a set posting schedule since I do have a busy life right now. Work is wide open, and thats a good problem when you're self employed. ;) I've also completed my 16 hour college course, so that won't be an issue for another year. Hubs and I do enjoy boating and fishing, so that does take up a lot of my writing time during nice weather. Chapter ten is now in the uber talented hands of darcysmom and kare831. I hope to have edits completed for a Saturday or Sunday post. I hope you enjoy!!

Saturday, July 14, 2012


I'm working on the TWC update, I promise. But I have one beta out of town at Comic Con (happy for her and slightly and I've been out of town since Wednesday for required education for my job. I didn't take my laptop along, and I truly had no spare time to read updates, let alone write any meaningful words. Ten hours of driving and all 16 hours of my college course are now behind me. Maybe, just maybe, I'm back in the real world for a while. I'll post as soon as I can. Thanks for all the reviews and begging for more TWC. I was unsure how this story would be received, and each reader has made my writing it worth it. :) also, I'm proud to report LDTW is just 6 reviews shy of my 1000 mark goal!! That fic was my baby...I'm no BNA...not even a LNA, but you guys make me feel amazing and accomplished. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Terribly saddened by the tragic loss of Gisela

Our Fandom has suffered a terrible loss at CC. Although I didn't know her personally, I feel the loss deeply from the outpouring of condolences and prayers from the Twilight cast and directors, the entertainment industry, and fellow members of our wonderful Fandom. I want to take this moment to offer my sympathy and prayers to Gisela's family and friends. May God bless and comfort you during this heart breaking time. Support In Memory of Gisela, add a #twibbon now! - - Create one here -

Update soon!! Two Worlds Collide

I thought when my kids were grown and moved away I'd have all this wonderful spare time for myself. HA! It seems I'm always pulled away from my writing for one reason or another. With that being said, I finally finished chapter 9 late last night and it's been sent to my girls for prereading and editing. Hope to update soon!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Letting Down the Walls is complete!!

With a huge sigh and little bit of chest pain, I'm marking LDTW as a complete story. I've tried for several days to write an appropriate epilogue, and everything seems forced or redundant. I consulted with my beta ladies, and they gave me their opinions. With this said, I decided to forego the epi and leave the HEA from chapter 35 as the ending. There will be an outtake posted later in July that ties up a few loose Leah/Jake issues. I hope this isn't too much of a disappointment to my readers. I just feel like a forced ending will ruin everything I worked to create. Thank you for all the support and love I've been given by the Fandom. It really made a newbie writer feel welcome and quite accomplished by the end of LDTW. Love you all and I hope to see you around with new stories of your own or with new writing adventures of mine.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Two Worlds Collide has updated!!

Kicking the UST up a notch...hope you read, review and enjoy!!