Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Update on my writing

Hey everyone. I'm here to grovel and ask for patience. Again. I know and am embarrassed that Two Worlds Collide isn't updating as often as we'd all like. The story is complex, and a tangled web of what might be real, and possible fiction within the fictional story. It's the hardest plot I've ever attempted. I should have made a written outline for each chapter before hand. I didn't with LDTW or Amore, but I had them in my head from start to end the entire time I wrote them. 

Now, I know the ending of TWC, but my mind isn't allowing be to be creative on the journey from where it is now. Does that make sense? Its frustration at its highest form. Ticks me off, and makes me depressed that I'm not able to do what I set out to have complete in about six months.

Anyhow, there is this crazy little one shot that has taken over my brain, and for the next week or so, I'm going to focus on it. My hubby has actually helped with the outline (yes, it's a written one) and some of the events in the story. As of tonight, I'm 4,000 words into the Alice/Jasper story of how my husband of almost 25 years met back in September1987,and the craziness that occurred between when we met and when we actually started dating in February 1988. No one may ever read it, but I'm at a loss as to how to jump start my writing again. 

Hope you all understand. Heck, I don't even know if anyone really reads my blog anyway, but this makes me feel better to at least get this 'out there'. The title of my new fic is Bad Boys, Marlboro Reds, and Bud Light. 

Look forward to posting it soon. T

1 comment:

  1. I'm still reading your blog! I will wait patiently for Two Worlds Collide. And, I looking forward to your Alice/Jasper story.

