Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thank you, Fandom Fanatic!!

With no personal laptop (yes, still no laptop. Had to pay on too much taxes to get one when I planned) I've had to resort to asking for help adding affiliates and buttons to the blog. Credoroza a.k.a. Fandom Fanatic has graciously helped me with adding these buttons and links, and I can't tell her THANK YOU enough. She's added a link to all of the interviews and write-ups (to my knowledge) that LDTW has had since its inception. Please feel free to click the links and check out the wonderful reviews and articles.

1 comment:

  1. It's no problem at all. ((HUGS)) It's actually fun playing around on someone else's blog adding all the links. So happy LDTW is getting the notice it truly deserves!
